Lumpy western is pure bull...
28 July 2007
Utterly inconsequential western from genre-mainstay director Andrew V. McLaglen, who handles this scenario in a curious, cartoony fashion. Feisty Brit Maureen O'Hara and daughter Juliet Mills bring a royal bull for breeding to Old West America, where both ladies wind up with suitors (O'Hara with two: plodding James Stewart and wild-eyed Scotsman Brian Keith, her ex-husband from 1961's "The Parent Trap"). Capable cast holds interest but, despite some pleasurable moments, this perplexing effort is way over-the-top. Ric Hardman's screenplay keeps all the characters spouting off and hopping mad, giving the movie a parodist slant where one is not called for (culminating in a laughable blizzard sequence which McLaglen stages on a set). Keith, hamming with abandon, doesn't even appear to realize O'Hara has a daughter, leaving one with the impression that Maureen is better off with the bull. ** from ****
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