meatloaf for the mind
28 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
OK, that might be a bit generous when compared to the other reviews here but I'm working on memory of seeing this movie ten years ago and there is not much left to really say that would make for an authentic qualified spoiler. I'll start by saying this... I had watched about five minutes of the movie before I realized I was in fact WATCHING the movie! (for the kids, this was on VHS...before you were given the option of skipping the ads for equally bad films you had no intention of ever watching let alone buying) Once the martians were on Earth, things did not improve much which is a pity. The opportunity was there to make a fun film to watch but that's not what happened. The only thing that I can clearly recall (sorta) is a comment about meatloaf and how boring it was. To which a radio personality said: " I don't know...meatloaf in the shape of a Christmas tree can be very festive." Not the best movie you'll ever see (at least I hope not) but not the worst either...I didn't hate it, there are a few funny bits here I'm just not planning on watching it again soon.
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