When people with no talent make movies, they make movies like this
29 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It begins by ripping off the opening sequence of "Irreversible". The camera sweeps and twists for no reason. It creates no context. It has no point. "Rampage - The Hillside Strangler Murders" is a film made by people who have no talent or intelligence. They have seen some contemporary films and they are keen to recreate sequences from them. They possess no vision of their own. Chris Fisher, who is listed as the film's director, could not direct traffic on a one way street. Because he has no vision, he goes with "style" instead. His idea of "style" is to keep his camera moving no matter what happens, so we're served endless streams of dizzying, pointless camera work. The characters are actors who pose and shout and spew nonsensical dialog. The lead actress spends much of the film in the nude. She is an attractive, capable thespian who looks like porn star Lois Ayres (aka Sondra Stillman). She is not a real person, she is a one-dimensional cipher. We get no insight into why The Hillside Strangler strangled and we get no suspense. This is one of the worst films I have ever seen, and I've seen plenty.
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