Simpsons Movie > Family Guy Movie
9 August 2007
What a movie!!! It was outstanding! I laughed throughout the full thing! The movie was so good, it by far triumphed over the Family Guy Movie movie.

The plot begins when homer takes home a pig (named Spider-pig and later Harry Popper) and throws it's dumpings into the local Springfield lake (somehow) creating a toxic waste land. President Arnold Schwarzenegger gets persuaded to put a large dome over the now Toxic city to keep them isolated from the rest of the world.

I must say that the plot was the only downfall of this movie. The whole time when all the Springfielder's were stuck in the dome, no one even thought about getting a shovel and dig. No, instead they just decided to be sitting ducks and wait for their government to bomb the hell out of them. Of course instead of digging a hole they decided to climb through the whole in the top of the dome. Common! We all know Homer is extremely stupid but do the writers think that the audience also has a low IQ? But seriously, who goes to see the Simpsons for the plot? Sure it was bad but in the end, who cares?!?! After the brilliant slapstick humor, I got addicted to this movie. Saw it a few times already.

This movie was full of laughs and two memorable moments which I will never forget. It even had some crude humor which isn't allowed on TV. Sure I admire that I didn't hear the F-bomb at all (good job writers for keeping it PG rated. I wasn't too fond of all the swearing and black humor the Family Guy movie had) Homer did stick up his 2nd (middle) figure, Bart had a hilarious nude scene which totally shocked the whole audience and Marge said gods name in vain.

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