Review of Dreamland

Dreamland (I) (2006)
Dreamy little Dreamland
22 August 2007
Yeah, okay, so it wasn't so trailer park trashy, but unless you have the emotional depth of a wading pool, you'll enjoy it.

If you've ever been the girl that put others needs before your own instead of being the kind of person who only cares about themselves, you'll love this movie.

If you have ever let your best friend have a boy you liked then regretted it and made bad choices in life, you'll love this movie.

I could really identify with the main character. I'm also empathic, so maybe I felt it more deeply than the person who posted before me.

All I know is I bawled like a baby for a good portion of it and even threatened my husband with bodily harm if he touched or breathed in the general direction of the remote control. (He has to watch the Weather Channel the second he walks through the door.) I liked the ending. If you're a deeper person than others, you probably will too.
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