Review of Secretary

Secretary (2002)
strangely beautiful
30 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really surprised me. I just happened to turn to it on cable when searching for something different (will Stars Wars be on cable forever?), and stayed because I really like James Spader. And here he is in his perfect role - tormented. I couldn't help being reminded of his role in Sex, Lies, and Videotape, but that was fine, it's what he excels at.

Turns out this is quite a love story. The Secretary of the title, named Lee, played well by Maggie Gyllenhaal (sp?), is an unstable young woman who still lives with her parents and cuts herself to express her pain. She starts working for Spader and they begin what I guess would in the simplest terms be called a sado-masochistic relationship, but nothing too scary or brutal and somehow very sweet. Lee blossoms like one of Spader's orchids, while Spader is conflicted by actions he calls "disgusting." His character was especially interesting - compassionate, controlling, fearful, strong - very layered, like a real human being. The only thing I didn't like was wondering whether previous secretaries had had a similar relationship with him, which was slightly implied? I hoped they had quit/been fired simply because he was difficult to work for. I wanted to think his relationship with Lee was completely unique.

The resolution of the conflict was all it should have been. I was mesmerized and charmed by this movie, which stands out as really and truly different, and highly welcome in this time of Hollywood formula and tired redoes.
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