The 11th Hour (I) (2007)
It's anti-God to care about the Environment now?
1 September 2007
Ladymoonpictures is one sad individual. Our SIZE is small so our actions are insignificant? How incredibly short-sighted. A nuclear winter would force a man-made ice age, which would kill off most life on the planet. We could create one in a single day. You don't think that is significant? And "fail to give thanks to that supreme creator who has given them breath"? Let me tell you something: Jesus was a LIBERAL! Did you ever actually READ the Bible? You know all that talk about "feed the hungry, house the homeless, tend the ill" sounds an awful lot like a social-safety-net to me. And how about this: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's". He knew back then that there should be a separation between church and state! Try having a genuine thought of your own for once instead of simply repeating what Fox Corporate Spin tells you to think.
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