Review of 10 MPH

10 MPH (2007)
Inspirational !. ...
18 September 2007
I just saw this film and loved it ! This really makes you stop and evaluate your life and what we're all doing here. We all think we're supposed to work our lives away while all of the things we want to do sit on the back burner never to be accomplished.

These guys are my hero's. What seems like a silly stunt on the surface, is really an insight into life and a detailed look at the America that no-one takes the time to explore anymore.

They attempt what we all wish we had the guts to do. And succeed ! I recommend this film to anyone who feels that life is passing them by. It dares us all to 'Just do it', and I for one plan to get off my butt and chase my own dreams.

Sincerely, ~Randawg.
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