Review of Bandits

Bandits (2001)
26 September 2007
This movie is pretty useless. It just rambles on and on, going nowhere. It's not too long before we stop caring about the characters and stop caring about what happens next. The stars in it are shallow and annoying, just going through the paces, thinking about the big paychecks their agents negotiated for them. They have the same smug, bored expressions throughout.

I guess the movie's best use is for late night TV cable stations where it's essentially filler between commercials. "Oh look, they've got big stars on this station. Let's watch until the next commercial break, then we'll change the channel." I've never heard more useless mumbling and whining in any movie. There are scenes that are totally stupid and inane. Maybe they have a special award somewhere for a film that best grates the nerves of the audience. Does it take a special talent to do this?

The positive side is that Bob Dylan sings a couple of songs in the soundtrack, and it's a special pleasure to hear him. I don't know why he wanted his name associated with this piece of garbage, but here we have it. Someone said they spent $80 million making Bandits. I wonder how much Mr. Dylan got?

Another positive is that there are some good location shots in Oregon, California and Nevada. However, there is no integration of the characters or plot into the surroundings. They may as well have blue screened it, and just paid that money to themselves.

I saw it on television with commercial breaks. I know it's a bad movie when I'm looking forward to the commercials.

The "twist" ending? It's been done so many times, it was an insult to once again throw it at us. Besides, it wasn't much of a surprise, as we saw it all being played out.
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