Hmmm...not great.
26 September 2007
First, let me just say the movie looks great. The DP knew exactly what he was doing when he shot this film because it looks very professional. However, he may have been the only guy on the crew who knew his job.

Yes, the acting is bad. So is the direction and the plot. But, my biggest gripe is with the post-production team. Specifically, the sound...

I have a question for whomever was in charge of post.....was this movie ever even sound mixed? The mix is unbelievably awful from a technical standpoint. Some of the dialog is so quiet, I couldn't hear it unless I turn my TV nearly all the way up. Then, I'd almost immediately get sprung from my chair because some sound effect would slam in at what seemed to be 90 decibels. Of course, there I am flying to the remote control to drop the volume back to a human level. Hey guys, next time, mix your friggin' movie. This "mix" is so bad, I wouldn't even insult amateurs by calling it amateurish. Plus, as the other poster noted, the sound jumped out of sync with the picture for like 5-10 minutes near the end. What's the story with that? To be fair, I don't want to put ALL the blame on the filmmakers/post-production crew. Freestyle Home Entertainment (whoever they are) NEVER should've released a film this poorly mixed. I mean, it's just flat-out unfinished. What were they thinking?
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