27 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible. Figured I'd give it a watch since little else was on TV; what a mistake. I find it hard to believe that someone who scored 1100 on their SATs can have such trouble with first-grade level questions, such as what color to mix with white to get pink, which state is the farthest south (Utah, Nebraska or New Mexico?) or other very elementary questions. Not to mention that the contestants seem to drag out their answers and take veritable ages to answer one question, before it cuts to a commercial break. Even when someone messes up it's pretty painful to watch and not very entertaining. I have nothing against Jeff Foxworthy, but the decision to cast him as the host of a family show is a poor choice; since he can't even crack any worthwhile jokes. Needless to say I'm never going to watch this again...
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