Review of Dead Doll

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Dead Doll (2007)
Season 8, Episode 1
I was so disappointed in this episode
28 September 2007
It looks like the writers/producers are trying to kill the show off. I was very disappointed in the outcome of last night's episode. It should have ended right the opposite of the way it did. Look out fast forward for future episodes. Can't say more or I will have a real spoiler in place. This is supposed to be a investigative crime drama, not a romantic drama. Let's get back to crime, investigation, blood and guts. Cut out the source of this romantic posh!! Put some spine back into Grissom. Quit the personal flashbacks. If there must be a romantic interest for Grissom, let it be with someone other than the weak character, monotoned voiced, mannish Sarah. He should be with someone more like Lady Heather or Catherine. Someone who has a range of emotion, intellect, and femininity.
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