Review of Nailed

Nailed (2006)
Idea for a short movie made into a full length one
16 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, the poster to this movie (with the nailed hand) is very misleading, if you want to see the movie because of that - as I did. You most likely will be disappointed, since there's a similar scene in the movie, but it's by no means representative for the movie; don't expect another Saw / Hostel clone.

While I liked the basic idea of the movie, the implementation was lacking in all aspects. The acting was (for this kind of B-movie) OK, some more realism in the way the cops handled their guns would have been appreciated, the effects (what little there were) were done acceptably and cutting/camera work was decent (again, you see a lot worse in the category of movies).

My main problem with the movie was that there were several scenes that a) didn't make any sense towards getting the movie going or b) seemed to be a constant iteration of things that already happened / any awake viewer already understood. If you'd cut all the gratuitous scenes you might end up with a 45 min episode for Tales from the Crypt (they do have higher production standards, tough) but you wouldn't be half as bored as watching the movie as it is.

The other major downer was that fact that there was no acceptable explanation for the things that happened (there was some kind of explanation, but it didn't make any sense whatsoever and left many points out).

In the state the movie is I can't really recommend watching it.
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