Dallas: Check and Mate (1983)
Season 7, Episode 6
" Finally - - - the winner is "
21 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This episode requires special mention because as with a lot of Dallas seasons the real end does not always occur until four or five episodes into the new season, the end of season cliff-hanger is a sort of phony ending. Here the winner of the year long contest between JR and Bobby is announced and just in the nick of time Bobby's Canadian investment with the Mcleishes comes in big and he is declared the winner. Despite trying to undercut the cartel, ride roughshod over the other independents as well as risking Ewing oils reputation with an illegal oil deal in Cuba, JR still looses to Bobby who has played hard, but within the rules. Despite all of JR's underhand tricks as well as trying to take advantage of his brothers marital woes, in the end Bobby turns out to be the better oil man. Another feature of this season is that we see a JR that is not just at his most devious and scheming but also is as mean and cruel as you will ever see him. In fact he borders in being sadistic and deranged.

Just to recap in episode 5 #9 (five dollars a barrel) JR is forced to crawl to Cliff Barnes to ask for an extension on the note he is holding over JR's loan. A smug and cocky Cliff Barns belly laughs in an exaggerated tone that he has "finally licked the great JR Ewing". The look of hatred in JR's face is apparent. Towards the end of season 5 JR turns the tables and sets up the greedy and gullible Barnes to take a fall. Barnes is left broke, his mother fires him from Wentworth industries and Sue Ellen rejects him and goes back to JR. Cliff so distraught at this ultimate humiliation attempts suicide.

Cliff recovers, but in the beginning of this season now back to full swagger decides that he hasn't had enough of JR and try's to cross swords with him again by stealing deals from under his nose. JR attempts to set him up again to take the ultimate big fall. Not only does he want to crush and ruin Barnes but he also connives with Claytons unstable sister to try to block his mothers marriage to Farlow which almost leads to disastrous consequences. As for Claytons sister - Jessica as they say down Texas way " her cheese has definitely slid of her cracker" , and that's putting it mildly!

The real eye-opener in this season is the way he blackmails the hapless Edgar Randolf. JR really enjoys blackmailing him and continuously goads and torments him for a number of episodes until he can't take it any longer and he too attempts to take his own life. So troubled by what JR is doing to him he decides that he would rather be dead than have the information revealed to his wife and children. In episode 7#18 while Randolf is recovering in hospital a grinning JR, in complete contempt mocks him in a manner that is truly shocking. Telling him that even dead he would make the information he has on Randolf public, regardless "just to prove to the world that JR Ewing keeps his promises"! At no time in Dallas was JR as ever cruel and callous as he was here!

There you have it another great season in the making and it really starts here with some great stories. Look out for the return of Jenna Wade, Katherine Wentworth really turning evil and Claytons unhinged sister played brilliantly by silver screen actress Alexis Smith! Also, in this season the Oil Barons club replaces the Cattlemans as the Dallas watering hole!
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