Review of The Lair

The Lair (2007–2009)
Not as bad as "Dante's Cove"
21 October 2007
Here! TV's second gay supernatural soap opera. The first was the truly dreadful and boring "Dante's Cove". This one is about an exclusive club called the Lair. You have to be invited in. It seems it's a cover for a group of young attractive gay vampires. They go out, invite hunky attractive guys in and drain them dry. Investigative reporter Thom (David Moretti) finds out something is going on when his jealous boyfriend Jonathan (Jesse Cutlip) goes there and is found comatose later on. Also it seems Thom is the reincarnation of the head vampires (Peter Stickles) long-lost love. There's also a subplot about a straight woman trying to leave her abusive lover.

As you can see this pretty silly and familiar plot wise. I THINK this is supposed to be campy because some of the lines are just beyond ridiculous. Also, like all other soap operas, these people were not hired for acting ability. They were hired on how good-looking and in good shape they were too. Every guy has a nude scene (back views only) and there's plenty of guy on guy sex scenes. Most of the cast can't act (Cutlip especially is terrible) but Moretti, Stickles and old porn star Colton Ford are OK. The frequent sex scenes keep things enjoyable and, unlike "Dante's Cove",this moves fairly quickly. Be warned, this doesn't stint on blood and violence. It's not TOO graphic but it's there. No great shakes but a fun, enjoyable gay vampire soap opera. The prime audience for this is gay men and women. I give it a 7.
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