Shining example of a B horror movie
28 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Curse of the Living Corpse (1964) is a mediocre horror featuring a young Roy Scheider eleven years before, "You're gonna need a bigger boat." Roy's performance was the one strong point and sole reason I sat through this otherwise unremarkable film. It kicks off with the far from original plot where an old contemptible, wealthy man dies. His heirs, hoping to inherit, gather together in one house. But they soon start getting creatively picked off one by one.

You can see the twist ending coming from a mile away.

With the plot holes, overacting and bad dialogue it misses the mark and falls some where between horror and dark comedy. It does show potential with a few of the death scenes. Pair that with an outstanding performance by Scheider and all things considered it's not all bad.
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