CSI: Miami: Going, Going, Gone (2006)
Season 5, Episode 9
One Murder Leads To Something Much, Much Bigger
6 December 2007
One guy gets a little greedy, bidding on two women in a charity action. He's kind of a nerdy- looking guy, certainly not in the physical class the two young women are and he knows it. Before enjoying his little kinky threesome, he leaves for a second to take a little blue pill to help him out. When he comes back, he discovers one of the women dead in the bed and the other gone. What happened?

Well, that's what CSI wants to find out, too, and the first key is to find out what the dead girl's missing ring looked like. Through some new computer-imaging program, they can find out just from the imprint on the woman's finger.

As in almost all CSI stories, the trail of suspects goes from one person to the next, each looking guilty.until we finally discover who it is in this case.

What's unusual about this episode, however, is that it doesn't end with the murderer being found. That, actually, is small-time compared to what the whole affair to leads to.....a terrorist plot with people trying to blow up a nearby power plant. I won't say any more, except this was really a shocker the last 10 minutes.
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