Sam Woods was born to fight!
2 January 2008
The ever watchable Brent Huff headlines here as super tough Vietnam Veteran Sam Woods, a one man army ala Rambo, in this typically entertaining action flick from the one and only and very sadly missed, Bruno Mattei.

Yes, the result as expected is explosions galore (with the usual quota of 'borrowed' footage from various other Mattei flicks), gun fire aplenty (including some cool slow-mo shots of our main man firing off his M-60) and a plethora of one liners as mumbled by our hero whenever he takes out one of the enemy.

This also benefits immensely from its great assembled cast of recognisable faces including the ever creepy Werner Pochath (playing, yep you've guessed it, a villain again!), Romano Puppo and Massimo Vanni.

Well worth checking out for fellow Mattei fans. Note: The film goes under the title of Born To Fight here in the UK if you're lucky enough to find a copy.
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