I Am Legend (2007)
Good, but could have been even better
4 January 2008
I am Legend is a movie that questions the old cliché "Hell is other people." In the 2009, a female doctor ( Emma Thompson, in a star cameo ) creates what is thought is a cure for cancer. However, this 'cure' begins to show dark after effects as it mutates to become a massive epidemic that wipes out almost all the population. A small number are immune to the virus, but they are hunted by the Darkseekers- infected humans not dissimilar to vampires.

Robert Neville ( Will Smith ) is one such human who is immune to the virus- perhaps the last one on Earth. He has set up New York City as a sort of massive farm for himself and his dog, which is his only living companion. Three years of solitude are beginning to take their toll on Robert and despite his relentless search for a cure, it's looking bleak. That is, until perhaps a new revelation will give him the strength to continue.

Will Smith really grabs hold of this, and has you believing he is the last man on Earth. You wonder how much longer he can hold out with hope. Manhattan, too is transformed beautifully into a post-apocalyptic 'farm' of sorts and it's backdrops enhance the story tenfold. My only real gripe with the movie is the Darkstalkers themselves as they look fairly...boring. All of them seem very generic and bland, and while having fangs, never seem to have them out.

However, I am Legend is a good film with some great acting and backgrounds to go with it. Although the villains are disappointing, the first 45 minutes is a truly amazing set up.
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