On par with the Godfather
5 January 2008
Amazing Viggo -- Just great! This whole movie is moving and beautiful in-spite of the darkness of its premise. I can intellectualize the plot blah blah but it's just words, you have to experience this movie in a visceral sense. Once again Cronenberg owns. This story holds its candle against the Godfather even! In fact it's like apples to oranges -- however the grit on this movie almost gets stuck in your eye after you watch it. Yet in-spite of that there is so much subtlety... and precision in the theatrical aspect of the film itself.

Some people complained about Naomi's acting but I think she equally nailed it down as much as Stahl, Viggo and Vincent! One can overact and dramatize every line, it takes much skill to portray just ordinary people struggling to do extraordinary things and put yourself on the line. I wonder what Russians feel about the authenticity of this but I feel the director, production designers and writers as well as the actors did their best. I know Viggo worked his butt off to get it right, if he can do Elvin lingo, he can do Russian as well!

By the way -- I expected it to be dark and tragic in the end, the ending was a surprise but was a relief nonetheless
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