Cracking stuff, very funny in places!
8 January 2008
I knew i was taking a big risk after reading two bad reviews of this DVD and only one good review, i spent about £12.00 all together on this (i ordered from Australia!) and i'm glad i waited for it because you don't need to be a golf fan to enjoy this short 50 minute film, i'm not a golf fan (never played in my life to be honest!) but i still enjoyed it, there were some genuinely funny scenes (some more funny than others) and the fun all begins wait, i'm not going to reveal the jokes, you'll have to search for this film and buy it for the jokes, trust me, it's worth it!

I wish the other two of these films (Bad Golf Made Easier & Bad Golf My Way) were released on DVD, but i doubt if they ever will, so i'll just have to buy them on VHS, and hope there as good as this one!

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