Killer Pickton (2006 Video)
Not true, not good, not worth that piece of your soul you'll lose when you watch it.
21 January 2008
For me, the point is - this movie is an attempt to cash in on a tragedy - period. Simply put, this makes Uli Lommel a bad person. Most people with no imagination are. They can never ask themselves "What if that were me?" - because it's simply beyond their capacity for empathy. Most serial killers have the same problem. Perhaps this is why he is so drawn to their stories.

Yes, that is a harsh and personal critique - but what else is there to say about someone so willing to further their own career on the suffering of others? Someone so willing to exploit the ugliness in humanity simply to make a dollar? His only saving grace is that he is frankly, not very good at it, and will hopefully pass into filmaking oblivion, along with others of his ilk. Even Uwe Boll has the good sense to stick to satire and video games.

On to the film itself - this film was finished before the trial was done, and most of the testimony was given AFTER the film was released. The film has almost no basis in fact, and no purpose other than to cash in on the deaths of dozens of women. The tag line "Doing Society a Favor" is beyond repugnant. These were real women - someone's mothers, daughters, sisters – not mere cannon fodder for some hack B-Movie maker.

If you want to make a slasher/porno, then by all means do so - just don't attempt to lend your prurient, crappy film legitimacy by associating them with real events. This film cannot, and should not be analyzed in the same way Zodiac, Son of Sam or even Black Dahlia can be. This is not 50 years after the fact, this is not a legitimate attempt to shed light on a damaged psyche - this is raping the corpses of the victims for cash.

As much as I enjoy a good slasher flick, or even a bad one, THIS film will appeal only to the lowest common denominator, even among die-hard horror fans. Those without conscience or empathy, those who secretly harbor the hope that, perhaps American Psycho was an instructional manual – not a satire.

Uli Lommel needs to grow up - or at least stop chasing hearses for film ideas. As for the actors - I can't blame them - work is work. Perhaps if they had more talent or confidence they would be able to work with someone other than this bottom feeder. I wish them luck.
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