Good, but awkward comedy mystery thriller
26 January 2008
A milquetoast of a man is caught climbing out of a cemetery late one night. Its transpires that he had left 1000 dollars on a grave, in response to a letter sent to him warning of death if did not do so. When he and the copes return to the grave the money is gone. The cops haul the man in to the precinct for trespass and other charges. It transpires that the note is one of many that has been sent to a group of people in the hopes of extorting cash. Murder and mayhem follow.

Low budget PRC special is an odd mix of comedy and mystery. Its a mix that doesn't fully work since the comedy tends to over power the mystery at the most in opportune times. Part of the problem is that the very good Byron Foulger, a supporting stalwart has been pushed to the fore as our milquetoast lead. There is nothing wrong with Foulger in the lead, its just that decades of playing similar roles, usually for comic effect undercuts some of the tension.(I'm guessing this may play better on a second viewing when the flaws might be forgiven or at lest accepted). I know the film was also hurt for me by the cheapness of the sets which included numerous rear screen projections which result in a couple of screens where people just seem to be standing in front of a wall instead of being somewhere.

Worth a look in an undemanding mood.
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