The Twilight Zone: The Jeopardy Room (1964)
Season 5, Episode 29
Unusual episode of TZ...
2 February 2008 that nothing really supernatural, odd, or mysterious happens. Still, a tense and solidly scripted story from Serling about a man pinned down by a sniper, challenged to find a bomb triggered by a seemingly ordinary object in a hotel room. It was nice to see a young Martin Landau as the tormented protagonist. I think two things could have been done to make the story a bit more satisfying. First, the ending always struck me as a trifle tacked on, as if Serling couldn't think of a really good way to resolve the situation and so had the villain do something uncharacteristically stupid. Second, Martin Landau's character should have employed a few more tactics to try to get away before succeeding; as it stands, there's a bit too much time spent looking for the bomb, the location of which is fairly obvious from the start, and the way he escapes also feels a bit too easy.
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