Superstar (2008)
10 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Superstar" ,the film, only time will tell whether this is going to be a superhit, hit or an average runner.

But definitely Kunal Khemu has become the superstar of the industry with this film. While watching him on the screen we also go on comparing him with other stars like Shahid kapoor and Sharukh,etc. to whom he is going to be a tough competitor . That anxiety among the viewer is enough for any new comer.

From OSO onwards our film makers seem to be inspired or being swept away in the flow of similar themes. Anyway OSO,Anthony ,Mithya and now Superstar. Also these makers think, until and unless you kill the main character you cannot provide needed drama.

Especially in "Superstar" is it necessary to build up so much importance and arouse an affection with the character Karan which is not going to be there in the second half?

O.K, if the story demands, how come the director did not differentiate the characterizations? Even though they are not twins Kunal and Karan have the same dialogue delivery, same expressions etc. etc.Kunal must have been a directors artist, but there is a danger for Kunal for getting minus marks at no fault of his. To create super films super planning is needed.

Similarly, care should have been taken,where Kunal comes to know that ditto Karan exists,When he is called back to perform Karan's role,when Karan finds that Kunal does a better job, the way Karan becomes a friend to Kunals gang, clarity in Amanverma's mischief, why the reporter suddenly develops a soft corner for Kunal, Why Kunals girlfriend {sorry to say ,not very impressive] runs to the poster in the end, at this juncture the viewer could not get involved , as this love angle was not important for the plot. Why did the parents attend the premiere show? All these things lack clarity and could not project natural reactions of human relations.

Please , we do not want both the makers and audiences to get disheartened by the above comments. There is a lot more in it which an above average audience would like to watch. It is definitely a watchable movie.
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