Bottoms Up (2006 Video)
not as bad as water-boarding, but close to it.
12 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I can honestly say that it was the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life. Watching Paris Hilton's "acting" was literally painful. The major problems were the bad acting, lack of plot, random flashes to cartoons, no character development, and terrible dialogue. First of all Paris Hilton has absolutely no acting talents whatsoever. It's like the lights are on but no one's home. She's off in space not even paying attention to what's going on. I can't say I really blame Jason Mewes for not doing a phenomenal acting job. Any one forced to act as if they felt a genuine affection towards Paris Hilton would clearly be asked to achieve a feat beyond the talents of anyone on the planet. The movie starts off to be about Jason Mewes trying to win money to save his dad's bar. He enters a bar tending flair competition, loses, and within the first 15 minutes the plot has completely shifted over to be a crappy written love story. This plot line is never mentioned again. For some strange reason there are random flashes where the movie switches over to cartoon. I suppose due to budget issues or whatever. I have to say that the somewhat amusing yet utterly retarded cartoon was Matt Davis throwing himself off a cliff while yelling "I'm a huge jack-ass!" I'm still not very sure as to what that had to do with the "plot", but it's always fun to see Matt Davis look like a douche bag. As for the character development, we're supposed to believe that Paris Hilton is viewed as a rich snotty party girl (as in real life), who actually is nice, kind, helpful towards the poor, and my favorite likes to read books. That's a laugh. Can you imagine Paris Hilton reading anything that doesn't spell C-O-C-K? The truth is there was absolutely no character development towards this idea that Paris Hilton was smart or caring. Think about it she has the personality of a brick, and she can only act as herself, you do the math. As for Jason Mewes character, he nearly gets run over by Paris, loses both his and his uncle's jobs due to her, and he still says "She seems nice." That doesn't add up. His character must possess some sort of ESP because he's able to magically sense the fact that she's a "nice girl" despite nearly getting run over and fired.

The dialogue in this movie was dreadful. Some of the worst was that between Matt Davis and Uncle Earl. Their trash talking consisted of "Go back to the valley Quaker oats," and "Let's rock n' roll chumpenstein!" Other good lines were, "I'd rather be at home reading a book." I doubt that Paris Hilton could read a picture book, much less one with actual words. I could go on giving examples of terrible of dialogue, but with the examples I've given anything else would pale in comparison.

On top of this the film contained poor cinematography, bad editing, and seemed to lack any real direction. I would definitely give this film one star, but only because zero is not a choice. I don't recommend this movie to ANYone unless perhaps I hated them and wanted to steal 89 minutes from their life.
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