Secret of Evermore (1995 Video Game)
A bit of a let down to me.
17 February 2008
Yes, this one came out near the end of the super Nintendo era, however, it was released only slightly after the very cool and different game Chrono Trigger. I was quite frankly expecting something grand here too. Alas, I found the game had way to much fighting and it needed a bit more pop in the story. The story has a young kid and his dog transported to the magical realm of evermore. A place that seemingly consists of differing eras in it, and his dog converts to fit each one. He becomes a prehistoric dog, a poodle, and even a robot. The scenes are somewhat funny, however, this game does not have the fastest flow in the world and was very weak to me in the combat. The last world where your dog is a robot is rather weak to as it is just about all combat. I think the humor was good and it needed to be more of the focus. More like the monkey island games with some combat as the boss fights were at least a bit more fun the the rest of the fighting.
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