26 February 2008
All American Co-Ed (1941)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

The gayest movie of the year! That there was the original tagline to this unfunny, incredibly boring, so-called comedy about an all girls school who places an ad in the paper calling their cross-town all boys school a bunch of losers. To get revenge, one of the guys dresses in drag and wins a scholarship to the girls school. Um, yeah. I guess the Oscar nomination for Best Song is the only positive thing about this film but in reality, who remembers that? While watching the film I kept seeing the screenwriter in my head as he sits at his typewriter laughing at all the "jokes" he was putting in the screenplay. I'm sure the screenwriter thought he was coming up with some clever and smart but all of the jokes bomb and the film seems too long at even 50-minutes. Stick with Some Like it Hot or Tootsie.
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