First Two in the Series
27 February 2008
Believe It or Not #1 (1930)

*** (out of 4)

Robert L. Ripley shows off various strange items from a man with eight inch horns coming out of his head to a woman who can read eight words a second. This is the first I've seen from this Warner series and it was pretty interesting, although Ripley's not the best host a film could have.

Believe It or Not #2 (1930)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Robert L. Ripley gets pulled into court to testify that what he says is actually true. Inside the fake courtroom we hear Ripley questioned about various stories including a man in India who held his hands over his head for ten years and the story of a man eating plant. This second short doesn't work as well as the first since we're not shown too much but instead we're just hearing the stories.
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