Bonneville (2006)
Catch the Wind
1 March 2008
Greetings again from the darkness. I really don't ask much from a chick flick, but this one delivers NOTHING. The story is based on the writer's (Daniel D Davis, his first screenplay) personal life, which really makes it that much more irritating. Bluntly, this is a BORING and PREDICTABLE story that can't be saved by the terrific cast.

Jessica Lange's husband dies and she battles the nasty step-daughter (Christin Baranski) for the man's ashes and their house. Lange's two friends, wise-cracking Kathy Bates and pent-up Joan Allen, come to her emotional rescue. A road trip in a beautiful Bonneville convertible ensues. Here lies the film's only mystery. How does one create a boring story with a road trip to Bryce Canyon, Las Vegas, Lake Powell, Palm Springs, Santa Barbara and Baja? Yes, there are some beautiful shots of spectacular scenery and the three leads do have a certain connection, but you will know exactly what is going to happen 6 minutes into the film. Pull out your checklist so you can keep score as each of those things occur.

If I sound angry, it's because I am. We constantly hear about the paucity of quality female roles in Hollywood. This one should have had THREE! Instead, give this outline to any 9th grader and they will come up with a more interesting story (or maybe the exact same one).

Tom Skerritt gives another of his patented charming older man performances and we get a quick scene with Tom Wopat ("Dukes of Hazzard") as Joan Allen's husband. It was nice to see Vicor Rasuk ("Victor Vargas") in a couple of scenes ... but even those were choppy and poorly written.

Just to clarify, this movie is not worth seeing and I can only hope that women 50+ who are starved for films about "them" will not be tricked into wasting their money just because it features three talented actresses. Instead, rent "Steel Magnolias", "Fried Green Tomatoes" or "In Her Shoes" ... all monumentally better than "Bonneville" (the film,not the car!!).
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