638 Ways to Kill Castro (2006 TV Movie)
Operation: Kill Castro
4 March 2008
Since his ascension to power on New Years Day 1959 Cuban President and Dictator Fidel Ruz Castro has been in the cross-hairs of not only free Cubans who were forced to leave their homeland because of his socialistic policies but also the US Government; Ten Presidential Administrations worth. Among the others gunning for Castro's hide is US, at home and abroad, Big Business and last but not least the notorious criminal octopus-like Mafia. It was the Mafia whom Castro kicked out of the country together with their casinos hookers and drug traffickers soon after he took power in 1959.

In the film "638 ways to Kill Castro" were shown just how far these groups would be willing to go to knock off Fidel Castro, code name "The Beard" or "El Beardo", and at the same time how they screwed up every time, 638 times as of last count, they tried! Watching the many almost comical attempts on Castro's life the thing that struck me about Castro's would-be assassins is that no matter how much they want him dead their not willing to risk their lives, or even their freedoms, in order to kill him!

It's even brought out in the documentary about using an Arab, suicide bomber I would suspect, to get the job done but even that won't work. No matter how extreme an Arab or Muslim Islamic fanatic is in risking or losing his, or her, life he needs to be properly motivated to do it. How could you motivated him to kill Fidel Castro! A person whom an Islamic fanatic has no reason to get himself killed, in killing him, for! Would killing Castro bring him eternal paradise in his slaying an enemy of Islam?

Were shown in film clips the "Bay of Pigs" invasion of Cuba back in the spring of 1961 that turned into a major disaster for the then incoming John F. Kennedy Administration. A humiliated JFK became so obsessed to get Castro that he personally planned, through the CIA and Mafia, 42 attempted "hits" on El Beardo's, Castro, life up until the time that he himself was assassinated on November 22, 1963. The attempts on Castro's life increased with every preceding US Presidential Administration reaching the final count, as of November 2000, of 638! With a record high reached during President Ronald Wilson Reagan's Administration, 1981-1989, of 197! An average of 24 attempts on Fidel Castro's life a year!

The movie shows just how hard ,if not impossible, it is to get close enough to Castro in order to knock him off. One thing that the film seems to ignore or overlook is how popular Castro is in his native Cuba which may well be the reason why he's been in power for almost 50 years. Those shown in the movie who want to do Castro in come across as what we, or the Bush Administration, would consider to be members of El-Qeada or the Taliban terrorist organizations. The film brings out how disingenuous US President GW Bush is in his statement that "Either your with us or with the Terrorists". It's both sad and ironic how that fighting and sh*t-kicking statement compares to GW's whole hearted support of those who want to do in "El Beardo". Who in their actions, like the bombing in 1976 of a Cuban passenger airliner with over 70 people killed, more then fit the bill that President Bush describes as the terrorists that he's so dedicated to eradicate!

With Fidel Castro now voluntary out of power, having his younger brother Raul take over, even if he's assassinated it will just be a hollow victory to those who've been out to get him for almost half a century. All the attempts and lives lost, by both sides, in trying to take Castro out has now become history with Fidel Castro no longer a factor in running Cuba. A history that many in the CIA US State Department and free Cuban Community, in both the USA and abroad, will very well want to forget.
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