Wait for it to be on TV
30 March 2008
I was really pretty disappointed in this movie. I just watched it on HBO because frankly it didn't look all that funny from the ads. It had some decent laughs strewn throughout but nothing flat-out hilarious. I'm not the stuffy kind of viewer who hates physical comedy either. I can watch Anchorman for the 5th time and still laugh out loud pretty hard a few times, but this never had those moments for me.

It's the typical Will Ferrell movie where he is the idiot savant and the joke's on him. He never realizes it or just rolls with it, you know the rest. He was funny here and there and can still come up with the completely off-the-wall things to say. Heder is better when he talks less. I loved Napoleon Dynamite, but here his character was the Will Ferrell style of over-the-top. Didn't make sense to me so much. Arnett and the SNL chick were OK, but could've been given some funnier things to do.

Really the best part was Jenna Fischer in a corset. She seemed to be well-aware that the role was pretty silly and she didn't fit in the movie that well. But then again, they needed a pretty goody-two shoes and she seems to fit that. I'd like her to aim a little higher though, as I bet she could do some pretty good comedy with a good script.

Better than the 50th showing of "Breakfast Club" on TBS but not better than the 30th you know what I mean? I wouldn't pay to watch it, but then I didn't so it all works out.
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