Review of Hack!

Hack! (2007)
Cliché ridden, bad acted, terrible plot, poor story, poor me for watching.
25 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure what the last reviewer saw in this film that I didn't because I have to say this was one of the worst movies I ever saw. I'd go as far as saying William Forsythe's Scottish "accent" was the best thing in the movie and THAT sounded Irish and bad Irish at that. True, the film is full of cliché's and references to other horror/slasher movies and where some will say it was appropriate to the storyline, I'd say there was no originality. There were no "scary" moments and no suspense whatsoever and the blood & gore effects were right out of a 50's B-movie. One scene where someone was shot while close to the camera you could see that the blood splatter was superimposed and was moving independent of the "actor". Note the quotes, no one in this movie could act. One or two scenes were inappropriate and could have been left out all together but there are weird people out there who would probably lap them up. I really can't think of anything positive about this move and found myself skipping five minutes at a time to make it end sooner only out of curiosity that I was right about a possible twist. I must have skipped at least half an hour but I promise you, I saw the whole movie.

I always considered William Forsythe as a great actor but after seeing him in this, I'm beginning to think I was wrong, you see great actors sometimes don't need much direction and it looked like he didn't get much in this movie proving that he needs it to look good on screen. Every other actor in the movie I have never seen before except for the two cops, one about 80 yrs old and the other an idiot who fitted in with the rest of the characters.

Without giving away any of the plot, at the end of the movie there was a scene where it flashed through the victims and to be honest, I'd actually forgotten about them being in the movie at all. What I'm trying to say is, there is nothing memorable about the characters, the plot and the acting other than it was ALL bad. Why is it in slasher movies that cell phones never get a signal, when someone goes missing they go looking for them at night and not during the day. Why do they all split up and make a lot of noise shouting when they know there may be a killer out there. This is what I mean about no originality, every slasher movie is exactly the same with one exception, some can pull it off, this movie doesn't. If you want to see a better movie, go and rent Plan 9 from outer space.
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