Just awful...and there's no way this film can merit a 10.
29 April 2008
When reading the reviews, I agreed with Neil Doyle's, though I felt he was still way too kind to this incredibly annoying and stupid film. Quite simply, this is among the worst films Ginger Rogers ever made--partly because of its terribly unfunny writing and partly because Ginger has never been more unlikable and irritating. Like the film RUNAWAY BRIDE, Ginger plays a woman who uses men--leaving them again and again at the alter. All this is intended to be kooky, but I found myself hating her character from the start due to her selfishness and whiny voice. I honestly would have loved it if one of her many fiancés had just slugged her! While all this wasn't very promising and Ginger's performance was VERY broad and "kooky", the film abruptly got worse while she was on a train trip. During her dream, she imagined an American Indian beau (played by Cornell Wilde) and when she awoke, he was real and pursued her rabidly. Some of his lines were admittedly funny, but this plot wore thin almost as soon as it began.

Perhaps one of the better (and this isn't saying much) acts in the film was the part played by Ron Randell--as a very, very effeminate and ineffectual boyfriend. He wasn't that good, but compared to Rogers and Wilde, he looked like Olivier! Try watching this tedious film if you'd like, but understand that I am a huge fan of classic Hollywood films and I really wanted to like this movie--which came off like a bad episode of GILLIGAN'S ISLAND. However, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't like this movie or recommend it to anyone I like.
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