Review of Me Too!

Me Too! (2006– )
Good for bored, young children but will madden adults looking for the best for their kids!
12 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, to being, this programme is from the same folk who did "Balamory" (which I never really did like) but was good for children. Now this does have the same good points as Balamory but there are certainly some things that bother about this show. Well, this place is set where Balamory in also in, yes you guess it, Scotland. There are a lot of television show coming from Scotland at the moment (they must have a big industry). I enjoy a great deal of children's shows from Scotland but I love their accents and scenery. The actors are all probably Scottish so that does liven things up a bit. The good parts also include that it teaches children like problem solving, mathematical skills (telling the time) and life at work (although they wouldn't be doing this stuff of their own for at least another 14 years of so) along with good singing skills (if that for any use?). Now down to the negatives, which are as long my right arm. First off, Granny Murray is plain creepy. Sorry to the actress who plays her but she is! I can't stand it the way she says "Hello, Honey-pieeeee! Come a wee in" to us the viewers in every episode (like we are going into her house). Very disturbing. Kids might like it because they might feel included but I fell this is a bit too much in your face. Secondary, she is just too happy. Far too happy it non-existent. Nobody can be that happy all the time. And her laughs are like a witch's gaggle. Plus, at the end of every episode she tells us what she did with the children while we were concentrating on the adult and it the same thing over and over and over and over again (Why were splishing, splashing, dunking, sliding etc. etc. etc.) it the same story the whole darn thing. The adults who we then go off with to follow to work but they ask us in each episode to show them the way to get there and sign a song about it. Jeez, if you know the way to work since you been doing same job for a matter of years then why are you asking us for? Why do they run around town chatting to non-living objects like saying "Hello, Bus! Hello, Carpet! Hello, Computer! Hello, Bike!" Not only is this moronic but it encourages to take no notice of reality and think it okay to talk to objects (which will certainly not reply back!) Can you imagine your child walking down a street and start saying "Hello, Lollipop! Hello, Balloon! Hello, Dustbin! Hello, Needle" (A Syringe covered with drugs). Not only is this unacceptable behaviour coming from adult figures but do why want our kids trying to talks to clocks, automatic doors and trolleys? I don't think so! Why does Granny Murray childmind a dog????? If the owner wants to leave their pet in another person hand then give it your neighbour or something. A dog is an animal, not a child and in cases like these, a dog around small children could be vicious and may attack them in real life. Not a good image at all!!!! Mickey-John shouldn't be a teacher. He is far too immature and the stuff he teaches his class is pure garbage. Things like "What shape is a sandwich?" or "What does a Jolly Rodger flag look like?" and even his own class have wake him up to teach them? I wouldn't be very happy if he was teaching my child. Why does two musician ladies keep popping up in everything? They are even on the school grounds and also are allowed to perform to kids during their school-time? Would the headteacher have something to say this? Poor Bobby doesn't get much sleep, does she? In the episodes evolving around her, she clean the buses at night and then in the day she is about interacting with the other characters Surely she must sleep, must she? Poor thing. And finally, there doesn't seem to be any here that is completely educational. There are some good points like I mentioned above but other then that it really just about signing and solving simple-minded & non harmful problems like "A lost toy" or "A spill down your jumper", that kind of stuff. I know it is probably aiming for 2-3 years old but surely they must know how to deal with those problems by now? They'll find it tedious after a while. Overall, this does have some good points and I know it is a child's show but they are some definite signs of frustrating issues around this teaching children how to spend their time or relying on other people to help you (somebody else always try to help the main character solve their problem). Not a good independence lesson. Overall, this show is okay for distracting your young children but if you looking for a more educational and informative programmes, you best go and look somewhere else.

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