Studio One: A Passenger to Bali (1950)
Season 2, Episode 29
Sea Pariah
14 May 2008
Strange little item, found on a 'Classic Horror' pack but nothing classic or horrible about it, apart from the low budget of early television shows! Everything is shot on what looks like one sound stage with lots of close up shots to avoid seeing lack of any backgrounds. Still it works quite well as a drama,which is what this is and nothing to do with horror at all.

The story concerns a man who almost forces himself onto a cargo ship to be a passenger to Bali, hence the title. Unknown to the ship's captain or crew,he is a sea Jonah which no country wants and none will allow him off the ship and back on land. The reason is a bit unclear, we are told he has some 'inflamatory pamphlets' which could start trouble,as this was filmed during the 'red witch hunt' era in America's history,I assume it is the 'plague' of communism. It does seem all a bit silly from a modern day point of view, then again, there is the fear of Islam stalking the land now, so, perhaps not...

Berry Kroeger as the man without a country does a decent job,although you can see he has been watching too much Orson Welles when he gets into full flow and chews the scenery at times.

The ending is inconclusive and you have to add your own finale. Interesting from a curio point of view of the beginnings of television drama, this is really just a staged radio play. Still makes me wonder what happened to all the other episodes in this series and if they also turned up in boxed horror sets as well.
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