Review of Unearthed

Unearthed (2007)
Aliens and Native Americans should never be this boring
17 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A remote town in the American Southwest faces a terror that has been buried and forgotten. Only the wisdom of the Native American people, and a few shotguns and other weapons, can save the world.

Or something like that. What is promised to be a strong horror film, that is as one of the "8 Films to Die For", Unearthed is actually a bore that lacks any real drive and delivers a clichéd plot. What made someone want to include this in the "8 Films" group is beyond me.

Sheriff Ann Flynn (Emmanuelle Vaugier) is on her last leg both job wise and emotionally. After an accident which leads to her responsibility for the death of a young child, Sheriff Flynn finds herself questioned by the people who she is supposed to serve. In particular Rob Horn (M. C. Gainey), a powerful rancher, seems determined to end her short lived career as sheriff. With lack of support it seems that Flynn will be out of a job.

Nodine (Tonantzin Carmelo) and her grandfather (Russell Means) are two of the few friends that Flynn has left. Native Americans who live outside of the town where Nodein's grandfather runs a small gas station, Nodine herself is preoccupied with her botanical work while her grandfather spends time with his pottery. Their lives are quiet and calm and otherwise devoid of anything threatening.

That is until one night a mysterious accident leaves a trucker dead and the town without power. It seems that somehow an alien creature, one that was responsible for the near extinction of the Anasazi (yes those Anasazi who disappeared "suddenly from history), has returned. Grandfather, who along with a mysterious former professor named Kale (Luke Goss), are the only ones who know how to defeat the aliens and save humanity once more. Using the wisdom of the Anasazi, who somehow managed to defeat it before with no technology, it is hoped that the alien can once more be defeated.

Unearthed, however, is a complete failure in terms of horror. The violence and gore where Horn, some town people, a few strangers stuck at the gas station, and some cows are killed by the aliens and consumed from the inside out, is typical of low budget horror films. The plot itself tapers off into a few inexplicable chase scenes which by the end of the movie seem redundant and, well, boring. Unearthed is typical of such a movie and a weak plot doesn't help. The actors gave their best but when there is nothing really to work with there isn't much that can be done. Unearthed should remain buried.

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