Better as a documentary than a movie
25 May 2008
I myself have been to Cambodia, I've seen some of these locations, I've looked at piles of skulls preserved from the genocide done by the Khmer Rouge. This has made me very interested in the workings of Pol Pot and the history of these atrocities, and I have been looking forward to watching this movie for some time.

When I finally did see this movie I was relatively disappointed, although I was intrigued by seeing what I had studied put to film, the movie was occasionally hard to follow and overall disappointing. If it had been a documentary I would have loved it, but it seems to fall by movie standards. Yes, it is about a very sensitive subject and gets a very important message about the terrible acts committed by man, but movies require more than just that for a great review, and I don't think the Killing Fields quite delivers. Sorry.
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