Review of Side Street

Side Street (1929)
He Doesn't Know
27 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many interesting experiments from this time, when things were still forming and genres hadn't formed.

This is a combination of three story forms. One is the sweet mama form. We have an Irish family, full of mostly endearing stereotypes. Tipsy Dad, daftly wonderful mama. Three sons played by three brothers.

We have the form of the brother against brother with predictable results. These two are uninteresting. The one that is interesting is how they try to play with the detective fragment. One of the boys is a detective. He's the Mama's boy and as stupid as she is. Another boy — as it turns out — is the town's biggest gangster working under a different name. Much is made of the cluelessness of the Irish cop, promoted to detective.

We learn before he does. Then we see his brother (the third son) learn, and then his fiancé, and finally his father. Yet he goes to an ambush (on Thanksgiving!), blissfully ignorant.

The production values are low, but its an interesting experiment if you follow how narrative evolved during this period.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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