The Good News (1997–1998)
A Great Example of 90's Mediocrity
30 May 2008
This show took an unoriginal idea and managed to squeeze a 22 episode single season out of it. That's the only redeeming quality I can speak of. The story lines, scripts, directing and acting were third rate at best. David Ramsey looked like a fish out of water as a Reverend and lead actor. If my wife was as late as his line deliveries she'd be pregnant. In other words, he was a comedic actor in a leading role but had no comedic timing. But the casting director knew that so they called in reinforcements in the form of Guy Torry and "Amen" retread, Roz Ryan. Ryan plays a similar role on this show as the role she played on this series' predecessor "Amen", but she lost the equally irritating sister, and stuck to delivering semi-humorous one-liners alone. Guy Torry displayed his PhD in stereotypes by boring viewers with his wide-eyed, slang-slinging, hood smarts. All-in-all this show was safe enough to let your kids watch without much thought, but also forced adult viewers to watch without much thought. I rarely laughed unless you count the times I chuckled that anyone thought this was entertaining. One season and 22 episodes was way too long for this elementary level production.
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