Worth the Price of Admission
5 June 2008
With plenty of thrills, action and best of all humor, this movie was worth the full price of admission and is something I'd like to see again soon.

In this new installment of the series, it's 1957 and the Nazis are history and "Indy" faces a new enemy; The Russians. Although I miss the Nazis, times change and Cate Blanchet as Irina Spalko performed well.

If there are any drawbacks to the movie, I could say the formula of the movie is the same as to all past Indiana Jones movies and there are parts of the movie I was able to figure out quickly, I was thinking who cares? Normally, this could be a turnoff, but the way Spielberg and Lucas carry it off, it doesn't matter to me. Although, if the movie's formula is tinkered with, I'm a little fearful that it could affect the movie's quality in a big way, so I guess you can say, why mess with a good thing.

And of course, who could forget the humor? Many funny scenes in the movie. My personal favorite when "Indy" and Marion are sinking in quicksand; "Indy" tells Mutt to get some rope and he hands him a snake, mistaking it for rope. We all know about "Indy's" phobia of snakes.

Maybe you can say I'm biased because I've been an Indiana Jones since the beginning, but I believe most people will agree with me that this is one of the year's best and you have to see this in the movie theater, since this was made for the "big screen".
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