Sneak Easily (1932)
No Laughs
16 June 2008
Sneak Easily (1932)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Hal Roach short has a scientist on trial for creating a pill that he fed to his wife, which eventually blew up and killed her. The prosecuting attorney (Thelma Todd) keeps having trouble with her case due to a dumb juror (Zasu Pitts) who accidentally swallows the evidence and soon will blow up herself. This short runs seventeen-minutes and sadly it doesn't get funny until the last minute when everyone goes back to the home of the scientist so that he can try to create another formula to take away the explosion, which is now in Pitts stomach. The comedy in the film is pretty dry and it never really works. Pitts has a chance to do some physical humor but none of this works either because we've seen it countless times before and we've certainly seen it better done. We get the typical stuff of her messing with the judge and another scene with her bothering the other jurors. Todd keeps the film moving with her good charm.
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