Black Ice (1994)
Good Film
9 July 2008
Black Ice (1994)

*** (out of 4)

From what I've read, this film was inspired by the director sliding on a patch of black ice, which required him to have eye surgery. The film has a lot of the same style and images of Glaze of Cathexis so I wouldn't have been able to tell the film's apart had someone just shown me both of them without letting me know the titles. Even though I found this one familiar, it still worked as a visual treat for the eyes. Once again we get all sorts of rich and vivid colors flashing on the screen, running just under 90-seconds, and the film keeps you glued the entire way. Since I'm still new to the director I'm not sure if he ever uses sound or not but I think the silence in the films really help draw you in and I can't imagine watching these with any music.
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