19 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'll have to admit, I was not keen on seeing this movie, just because I didn't really enjoy Batman Begins, but I had some hope this movie would be an improvement. And it was... slightly.

I did like Heath Ledger's performance as The Joker, besides having no back story or anything like that. Does it deserve an Oscar nod? Not really. I think that's mainly out of the fact that he bit the big one earlier this year. That and he was supposedly going insane while(or because) he was taking on the role, so I guess the acting wasn't much of stretch, then, was it? I have to admit, the direction wasn't very original or spectacular. But besides that, the movie was chalked full of big BANG BOOM action scenes. The scenes that dealt with dialogue seemed to be trying to make up for the lack of action with cheap humor that wasn't all that funny.

Rachael Dawes, the most pointless character in the new series... What can I say about her? Other than no one really seemed to care about her or her death. The only reason I feel like she returned for this film was to give Harvey Dent a reason to go nuts and start whacking people.

Which brings me to Two-Face... Was it necessary to shove that villain into the last part of the movie like a bad subplot? I think it would've been more appropriate for him to have his own sequel, but I guess the writers really didn't think he deserved that.

I also feel like everything in the movie was so forced together. I mean, 3 villains in one movie and none of them hardly interact. I mean, you got Scarecrow briefly cameo-ing his way into the first little bit of the movie. I don't mean to compare the movie to Burton's works because that's biased(and screw you, because I am) but Batman Returns had all 3 of it's bad guys smoothly fit together in the film... was it really that hard? The last thing I really did not like in the movie was Christian Bale's "I-Must-Sound- Like-I'm-an-80-year-old -woman-who-has-cancer- and-still-smokes-after-60- something-years" voice.

Other than those things, the movie was okay. Does it deserve a 9.7? To be above the likes of Pulp Fiction, Alien, Aliens, Psycho, Grindhouse, etc? Not really. I think the movie has lost itself in the hype and most of the people who gave it a 10 did so because they didn't understand half the movie, but thought it looked cool. I think the movie would sit nice with a 6 or 7.something rating, but that's my opinion.

Anyway, I will be not be seeing any more films in this version of the series, so you won't hear from me about it again.
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