This Is It (the one that put Superman on the animation map)
23 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When Max & Dave Fleischer expressed interest in moving Superman from the printed page to the silver screen,they spared no expense to fulfill their dream. From 1941 to 1943,the Fleischers produced 17 beautifully illustrated & animated shorts for Paramont Studios (in full Technicolor,which was very good,considering it was World War II at the time). 'Superman'(or the Mad Scientist,at it's also known as), was the first,and probably the best of the series. Metropolis is threatened by an insane scientist that he will level the city with an "Electrothenasia Ray" (obviously a fore runner to Laser). It's up to Superman to thwart his plans. Lois Lane tries to intervene,but gets captured by the Scientist (and his pet raven/crow/whatever kind of black bird that it is). When Superman shows up at his lab, the Mad Scientist turns the ray on Superman, but Superman gets his second wind & manages to bend the ray's beam,sending the energy back into the machine, causing a chain reaction of destruction. Superman manages to not only save the day,but puts the Mad Scientist in prison. Hooray for Superman!
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