Review of The Women

The Women (I) (2008)
Re: Benning should sue
22 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of the original not because I believe that the antiquated story line makes sense for anyone much less women in modern society, I am a fan because of that great scene with Joan Crawford in the bathtub. I love that bathroom. I was dragged to this remake by a friend knowing that it would be disappointing. Horrid, is more like it! First of all, it looks like they lit the whole film with florescent lighting and those shots of Annette Bennings hands, she should sue! I think this was really a remake of the Valley of the Dolls and they just mislabeled the prints. Meg Ryan has lost her spunk and is completely flat on screen, Debra Messing's character is dressed like a bag lady, Eva Mendez compared to Joan Crawford (need I say more), just terrible. Terrible performances, it felt at times that the cast was trying to remember their lines. The dialogue was trite and boring. And to top it all off, instead of making some adjustments to the story to make it work for the modern woman, they left it with Meg Ryan blaming herself for her husbands infidelity and falling wonderfully in love with the cheating schmuck because after all it is not enough to have an extremely successful clothing line, a wonderful daughter and tons of money, you have to have a man! Nightmare! Rent Sex and the City instead which makes you want to jump on a plane and spend the weekend in Manhatten with the girls.
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