these sorts of movies show what everyone is thinking
17 October 2008
While most people might interpret "Ein Toter hing im Netz" as the typical schlock that appears on "Mystery Science Theater 3000" (when "MST3K" showed the flick, it was called "Horrors of Spider Island"), I wish to assert that it's worth studying a little further. Part of the thing is that the main purpose is obviously to show the women wearing as little as was allowed at the time. But expanding on that, the flick functions as a sort of segue into the permissiveness that was slowly but surely burgeoning on movie screens in many countries.

Then again, I may be trying too hard to analyze the movie. It's probably easiest to interpret it as a nice, silly time. I mean, what guy wouldn't want to be stranded on an island with plethora of scantily clad babes (that would be better than what Gilligan had!). OK, so it's a pretty slipshod production: continuity goofs, lousy makeup jobs, bad dialog and terrible dubbing. But this is one that I recommend. I view it as more than "a must-see for bad movie buffs". And not just because those are some REALLY FINE gals!
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