Review of Saw V

Saw V (2008)
A Solid, but Sloppy, Following to Saw IV.
1 November 2008
"You won't believe how it ends." I honestly could believe how it ended, but this was still a great film. I was really excited when I heard about this sequel late last year and it did live up to my expectations. The traps in this film were pretty good, especially the very last one. You will be squirming in your seats when you see it. The trap before it was very genius as well. The story was written pretty well, and the directing was really good. It was better than, Bousman's first crack at the series in Saw II. THe one thing I did like was that Hackl, kept the score in the credits, like Wan. Instead of putting a heavy metal song near the end. I personally think that Kills the mood you get the shock of the final scene. Anyway, Saw V is a good film in the series, solid, but slightly flawed. What I mean by flawed is that there are still quite a few loose ends that were not tied up in this film. But I am willing to wait till next October for Saw VI. THe final chapter will be, I hope, the best since the original. Ps. PLease get James Wan for the last one!!! IT would be totally awesome, for the creator of this beast, to put the beast to rest.
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