Review of Citizen X

Citizen X (1995 TV Movie)
May be the best TV-movie ever made
3 November 2008
Citizen X' is not just another serial killer movie. The movie focuses on acting and dramatic impact rather than on improbable plot twists (like most do). The whole ensemble really does a good job. I've seldom seen so many great character actors in one film. Not one pretty boy or girl to please the crowds, just fine actors, some of them relatively unknown, which adds to the realistic feel of the movie.

The movie isn't gory or bloody, yet I find it to be disturbing. Some even label it as a horrorfilm. I think the scenes just have a greater impact because there are so few violent ones and because of the way the director shows them. The camera doesn't shy away in the last second of the kill, like it does in so many other PG-13 horrors/thrillers.

I'll make this review short, because the plot is rather complicated and I don't want to ruin the whole thing for you. Basically, we follow a Russian forensic expert, who has been named detective temporarily, in the hunt for a uncatchable serial killer who spreads his killings over several years. The whole story is set in Soviet Russia, and it's at least as fascinating to follow the bureaucratic mess that was the SU , than it is to watch the hunt.

The last thing I want to add is that the story is based on real events and real people, though there were some dramatizations of course. See this, if you like dark movies and great acting.
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