Gears of War 2 (2008 Video Game)
like a chainsaw to a locust gears 2 shreds expectations to pieces
8 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
i'm a big fan of the first gears of war game and i was incredibly excited when the sequel was announced.

and finally here we are gears 2 is out and i finished playing it after having an all nighter bash at it with a few friends.

we powered through gears 2 in a 6 hour marathon

and we waited for gears 2 for a 2 year slog.

and all the hype, expectations, action, violence etc has been upped or exceeded or broken.

marcus and delta squad are back and looking better than ever with some fantastic looking graphics. but where would humans be without locust and they're also back with a bunch of nice looking new grubs for your trusty to kill. The story has greatly improved from the first game because it actually has a good solid script with some good dialogue but hasn't strayed totally away from some cheesy action hero phrase. The story mostly focuses on Dom looking for his wife maria which is good because if you were like me quite angry about the exclusions of doms personal story in gears 1 then you get to hear about it now. The cut scenes are well directed and there are two particular cut scenes in the game that are particularly moving and one of the very few gaming moments that really touches the player. Epic games finally lives up to its name and makes an epic game. i lost count of how many times i said aloud "wow" "oh my god" in absolute awe as to what i was seeing on screen. but unfortunately this ain't perfect. there are hardly any new weapons to enjoy and if you do get them then they run out quickly or slow you down. the new weapons are the scorcher flamethrower which is pretty cool, the mulcher gattling gun, the mortar gun and my favourite the gorgon burst pistol. the most talked about sequences before the games release was the level where you can ride a reaver and a brumak. these levels aren't fantastic and slightly anti-climatic.

all-in-all: for fans of the series they will enjoy this as much as i did it's longer than the first game and a nice new bunch of achievements and game modes to keep you going. the graphics are excellent story is fantastic and deep and new game play mechanics have improved are add extra depth to the game play.

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